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Download Norton Bootable Recovery Tool

Apr 19, 2010

Gets you back up and running if your PC becomes so infected that it won't work properly or even boot up. The Norton Bootable Recovery Tool helps fix your "worst nightmare" PC problems, like when crimeware embeds itself so deeply into your PC’s operating system that it takes a special tool to remove it. Norton Bootable Recovery Tool does two things:

  • it helps you create a Customized Rescue Boot Disc (CD/DVD/USB) before your system becomes infected
  • in the event of an emergency situation where your PC has become so infected that it won’t boot up, it will help restore your PC to normal working order
When you first install your Norton Security Software, be sure to take a moment to open the Norton Bootable Recovery Tool Wizard and follow the simple steps to create your Customized Rescue Boot Disc. Your Customized Rescue Boot Disc will boot your computer in a safe environment, then work to remove the threats that caused the problem so that you are back up and running in no time.

Norton Bootable Recovery Tool - Creates a Customized Rescue Boot Disc that gets you back up and running fast if your PC's operating system becomes so infected that it won't boot up or your Norton product cannot install or start.

If you are unable to remove threats using the regular scanner in your Norton product, or worst case scenario, when your system will not boot altogether, use the Norton Bootable Recovery Tool to get you back up and running fast.

Download Instructions:
  1. Click on the link "Download Norton Bootable Recovery Tool"
  2. A dialog will appear, click on the "Save File"
  3. Select the location where you want to save the file, and click "save".
  4. Go to the location you saved the file and run the file you downloaded
  5. You may get a prompt asking you to confirm that you want to run the file. Please confirm and continue with the download process.
  6. Once the download completes, the wizard will start automatically. Follow the instructions to create your Norton Bootable recovery Tool.
  7. Hold onto the device for use later if you encounter a situation where your system cannot boot or you cannot install or start your Norton Product
  8. If you encounter an emergency situation, just insert your personalized bootable media device into your computer and let it do its magic! The bootable media device will help boot your PC in a safe environment and then start cleaning up your infected system, evenutally returning your PC to health quickly.

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