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Norton Tasks

Apr 18, 2010

The Norton Tasks window provides an interface where you can view and monitor all Norton-specific background tasks. Norton Internet Security runs most of the background tasks when your computer is idle. The Norton Tasks window provides the details of the background tasks that Norton Internet Security performs.

The details include such things as:
  • The name of the background task

    You can use the icon that appears before the name of a background job to start or stop a background task. You can start or stop a background task at any time.
  • The timestamp of the background task

    You can view details such as the date on which the background job last ran and the time. The details helps you decide whether to start a background task or wait for Norton Internet Security to run the job during idle time.
  • The duration of the background task

    You can view the length of time that a background task ran the last time. The details also help you determine the length of time a background task takes to complete if you start it.
  • The background task has run during idle time or not

    This detail helps you determine if a task has already run during idle time or you should run it.
  • The status of the background task

    You can view details about the completion of the task. You can also determine the type of power that a background task needs to complete.
In addition to viewing and monitoring the background task details, you can specify the Idle Time Out duration. After the Idle Time Out duration is reached, Norton Internet Security identifies the computer as idle and run the background tasks. You can use the Idle Countdown bar to confirm the idle state of your computer. You can manually turn on Silent Mode for a specified duration. You can also view the CPU graph and memory graph to obtain the performance data of your computer.

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