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Specify Idle Time Out duration

Apr 26, 2010

You can set the duration after which Norton Internet Security should identify your computer as idle. You can select a value (in minutes) between 1 minute and 30 minutes. When you do not use your computer for the duration that you specify, Norton Internet Security checks for other predefined parameters and runs Idle Time Scans.

After you specify the Idle Time Out duration, you can view the Idle Countdown bar in the Norton Tasks window. The Idle Countdown bar displays the idle state of your computer.

To specify Idle Time Out duration from the Settings window:
  1. In the Norton Internet Security main window, in the Computer pane, click Settings.
  2. In the Settings window, click the Miscellaneous Settings bar to open it.
  3. In the Idle Time Out row, in the drop-down list, select the duration that you want to specify.

    You might need to scroll the window to view the option.
  4. In the Settings window, click Apply.
To specify Idle Time Out duration from the Norton Tasks window
  1. In the Norton Internet Security main window, click Norton Tasks.
  2. In the Norton Tasks window, in the Idle Timeout drop-down list, select the duration that you want to specify.
  3. Click Close.

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