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Silent Mode

Apr 30, 2010

Norton Internet Security provides many solutions and features to handle viruses and other security threats. Norton Internet Security displays alerts and notifications to inform you how viruses and other security threats are detected and resolved. When you perform important tasks on your computer, you likely prefer not to receive any alert messages. Norton Internet Security suppresses alerts and notifications and temporarily suspends most of the background activities based on the type of Silent Mode that is turned on.

Norton Internet Security has following types of Silent Mode:

Silent Mode The Silent Mode that you manually turn on for a specified duration.
Full Screen Detection The Silent Mode that Norton Internet Security turns on automatically when it detects a full-screen application and turns off when you stop using the full-screen application.
Quiet Mode The Silent Mode that Norton Internet Security turns on automatically when it detects a disk burning task or a Media Center TV recording task. Norton Internet Security also turns on Quiet Mode automatically when you run a program that you included in the Quiet Mode Programs list. Norton Internet Security turns off Quiet Mode when the disk burning session or TV program recording session is complete. Norton Internet Security also turns off Quiet Mode when it stops detecting running instances of the programs that you included in the Quiet Mode Programs list.
The Norton Internet Security icon displays the turn-on status of Silent Mode in the notification area, at the far right of the taskbar. The icon changes to a crescent-shaped icon when Silent Mode is turned on. Norton Internet Security also notifies you after Silent Mode is turned off.

You can view the summary of the Silent Mode sessions under the Recent History, Full History, and Silent Mode categories in the Security History window.
The summary includes the following information:
  • The turn on or turn off status of Silent Mode
  • The type of Silent Mode, such as Silent Mode or Quiet Mode
  • The type of program that turns on Silent Mode, such as disk burning or TV recording
  • The name of a user-specified program that turns on Silent Mode
  • The time and date when Silent Mode is turned on or turned off

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